Help Us Change

An outreach team of Grim Reapers are sent by their home company to conduct surveys about their public image and the services they provide.

Over a period of time the Grim Reapers change their appearance and manner to try and reflect the public's suggestions.

The Reapers struggle to change - as do many people, ideologies and organisations in the modern world.  Their surveys invoke a public discussion both about the value of change and our relationship to death in modern society.  By attempting to adopt social media skills and using a ‘Vlog’ website the Grim Reapers attempt to bring the conversation to a wider audience online.

Help Us Change! appeared as part of The Performance Arcade 2014 at the New Zealand International Arts Festival.

A grim reaper poses for a photo with a young woman.
A suited man with a bandage on his head examines the business card of a grim reaper.
A grim reaper talks to three polynesian women in traditional dress.
A grim reaper chats with a group of youths on drift bikes.
Thomas LaHood
Thomas is Chief Clown, General Manager and Communications Administrator for Barbarian Productions.

White Elephant

