Political Cutz
Political Cutz
“No tax or benefit cuts, just haircuts.”
Political cutz was a pop-up hair salon offering cheap coffee and free professional haircuts to people in exchange for political discussion in the lead up to the General Election.
A professional barista and hairdresser provoked political thought while providing personal service.
The Political Cutz salon inhabited a vacant retail space in Wellington Central, with the support of the Urban Dream Brokerage.
"Salon: a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation." (Wikipedia definition)
This non-partisan project targeted a younger audience in an attempt to give them a platform for conversation. Each cut was be shared online with a personal summary of thought by the newly coiffed/caffeinated visitor.
Political Cutz appeared in 2014 and again in 2017, and went on to future iterations as a talkback radio show and travelling routine by collaborating hairdresser Jason Muir.